Phoebe Morris – student, 2022/2023

Mun has changed me in so many ways over the past several months and every single one of those changes was made for the positive. Not only have I been eager to learn more about whatever topic I am given, but I have also learned to love whatever topic is brought to us no matter the circumstances. I had the privilege of working with Lily the whole first conference as a double delegation and struggled immensely without her. I won’t lie, at times I contemplated just throwing in the towel and saying I was not capable of doing it alone and that made it really hard to research for Bosmun. Mun has given me so much more motivation for school and I can promise you it’s one of the only things I excitedly wake up at 7:30 am for every Friday morning. Aside from helping with school, mun has allowed me to watch myself come out of my shell a little bit more each week and that is something I have absolutely loved. I remember the first week of class, Cristina had us write speeches that gave a few reasons as to why a fruit/vegetable was the best one out there. I was panicking because all I could think was “I could never ever ever get up and give a speech in front of so many people!!”. Little did I know, I would get up and give a speech in front of 160 people on the mental health of climate refugees just 2 months later. I will forever be grateful to Cristina and the rest of the group for being supportive through everything and reminding me that I am capable of doing this and that there is always something I can do to grow more.