This was going to be our third time attending EagleMUNC, a Model UN conference organized by Boston College. However, participation was cancelled over safety concerns related to the COVID-19. By the time the cancellation decision was made, our team was already in the advanced stages of preparation. Below are our delegates’ position papers, which we are happy to post on our website:

Noah Bellmare – Hybrid, futuristic Committee – COP56, representing Han China

Ilinca Drondoe – Crisis Committee on Tunisian Revolution, representing Ben Jafar

Theo Katzmann – The 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party, representing Nikita Khrushchev

Annalise Kuhlmann – Hybrid Committee – Assembly of India: 1946, representing Chidambaram Subramaniam

Acadia Knickerbocker – Hybrid Committee – The Journey and Settlement of the Pilgrims, representing Elisabeth Hopkins

Angus MacPherson – SOCHUM Committee – representing Uganda

Gracie Morrison – SOCHUM Committee – representing Japan

Olivia Morrison – The 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party, representing Zhumabay Shayakhmetov